Monday, July 03, 2006


At least from New York.

We're enjoying a week of family in the mountains of western NC before heading out next Monday, July 10 to Guatemala. Our minds are slowly accepting what our bodies have been craving -- some good ole' fashion R&R!

While in many ways the trip seems surreal, it is increasingly real with each passing thought. It's slowly sinking in -- what we've been talking about and planning for the past two years we are now living. This isn't just our annual trip to Montreat for 4th of July celebrations, but the beginning of a life altering adventure.

We have surprisingly few expectations and pre-conceived notions of what to expect on this journey. Sure, we've read the guidebooks and scoured the internet for tidbits of information and advice. But we've embraced our uncertainty. There's an overwhelming sense of calm knowing that we are on this journey together.

So The Great Escape begins. And as with all escapes, there will surely be implications and maybe even consequences.

Or so we hope...

-Liz & Robert

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how excited/anxious you both are for the unknown blessings and hardship that awaits. It's inspiring, to say the least, that you would put off life for lives. Lynne and I not only pray for ourselves that same opportunity, but we are fervently in prayer for you guys. Robert, it's been such a blessing to be around you the small time that we've had, and I look forward to spending more time with everyone. Liz, happy belated birthday, and I can't wait to finally meet you.

Have fun.