Thursday, August 10, 2006

Did I Really Marry Someone Who Says, "Wicked Cool"?

........I will save that pondering for another post.

So on to more important things; I have heard quite a bit of criticism from mis amigos about our posts lately. Some say that they have gotten a little too serious for their liking. Well, too bad! It's our blog, not yours. Start your own blog and write about whatever you want: fast food, cable TV, warm showers, ice in your drinks, hell you can even write about your glutenous desire to read US Weekly (MC, could you write me with more details on Pam and Kid Rock-those crazy kids!) Robert and I are serious people with serious things to share; and just because so many of you infinitelizard critics have been so harsh, we are holding off on Robert's intestinal fortitude piece. A form of punishment, some may say.

So, we are off to hear how the introduction of religion has killed the Mayan culture, and there will be more serious posts to come!

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