From the Jan. 4 Progress Report
CULTURE -- RADICAL RIGHT WING STARTS A WAR ON BARBIE: The Concerned Women for America (CWA), a radical right-wing group which works on "reversing the decline in moral values in our nation," has criticized the Barbie doll and its manufacturer, Mattel, for being influenced by the "transgender movement." recently featured a poll asking respondents their age and sex, with three options for the latter question: "I am a Boy, I am a Girl, and I Don't Know." The CWA's Bob Knight said the website's "agenda" is "bisexuality gender confusion" and is "very dangerous." Knight also criticized Barbie as anti-Christian: "[Barbie is] really steering girls away from the idea of womanhood as, predominantly, in terms of Christians, serving the Lord, getting married, having kids, building a home. You don't see any of that with Barbie." Mattel's spokeswoman claimed the poll's third choice was "an innocent oversight" and has been changed to read "I don't want to say."
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